At the conclusion of the State’s case, Ronald Nyandoro was found not guilty of stealing trust property by Harare Provincial Magistrate, Ms. Ethel Chichera.

Ronald Nyandoro was charged with car theft, but the magistrate determined that the State had not shown the necessary elements of the allegation against him and had not established a prima facie case.

Ms. Chichera also determined that the complainant was misleading the court, stating that the State could not disprove Nyandoro’s defense. She emphasized that the case did not involve theft of trust property and noted that the complainant acknowledged receiving services from Nyandoro. The magistrate asserted that a criminal court should not be used to reverse agreements made between parties.

Nyandoro, represented by lawyer Mr. Admire Rubaya, pleaded not guilty, arguing that the complainant, James Landon, had given him the car as payment for services rendered. During the trial, the State’s first witness, Mr. Kirk West, suggested that Landon was retaliating against Nyandoro for disclosing details about the vehicle transaction.

West also mentioned losing two cars to the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission due to paperwork issues, accusing Landon of abusing the criminal justice system.

The second witness, Mr. Lance Malloch Brown, testified under cross-examination that he knew nothing about the dealings between Landon and Nyandoro and was unaware of any agreement or the whereabouts of the original registration book.

Nyandoro denied being entrusted with the motor vehicle, a Toyota Land Cruiser AET 3438, for return to the complainant. He claimed that Landon gave him the vehicle as payment for consultancy services related to a dispute involving another businessman, Adam Woodington, which had led to Landon’s arrest.

Nyandoro said that he paid for the car in November 2022 and that he obtained a duplicate registration book in 2023.

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