Advocate Thabani Mpofu has challenged Zimbabwe National Army General Anselem Sanyatwe to reverse the statement he made recently.

The general made headlines after publicly interfering in politics and ascerting that Zanu PF will rule forever.

The lawyer has released a press statement, and he wants the army general to reverse his words within seven working days.

The Zimbabwean Constitution prohibits those who are in uniform from meddling in politics.

The letter to the ZNA commander reads :

Lt Gen AN Sanyatwe
Commander Zimbabwe National Army
Defence House

Date, 3 July, 2024

Dear Sir

Re: Your_partisan_and_politically_charged_utterances

Sir, it has come to my attention that you have been recorded addressing a gathering of multitudes in the following manner (per my translation):
Zanu (PF) shall rule until donkeys grow horns, whatever your stated and expressed wishes. I am now speaking as the Commander of the Army. We shall use what is called Command Voting. . . Do we understand each other? Forward with Zanu (PF), Forward with
(PF)… Fforward with ED Mnangagwa. Down with the enemy”

I consider the above statements to be a violation of:

1. Section 208(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe in that you as a member of a security service
(the Zimbabwe National Army):
a. In so uttering such statements in a public gathering, acted in a partisan manner.
b. urthered the interests of a political party-ZANU (PF).
c. Prejudiced the lawful interests of a legitimate political cause – opposition to ZANU (PF).
Going so far as viewing your own people,who depend on you for protection, as enemies.
2. Section 155 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe and the Electoral Act (Chapter 2:13), by reatening to rig elections in favour of ZANU (PF) and against the opposition.
3. The First Schedule to the Defence Act (Chapter 11:02) in that your conduct in uttering the above statements was unbecoming of an officer and a gentteman as it amounted to willful and wanton violation of the Constitution and laws of Zimbabwe.

Sir, I therefore write to demand, as I now do, that you unreservedly withdraw your above
statements within seven (7) days of your receipt of this letter, failing which I shall take steps take steps to ensure that appropriate remedies under law are put in motion.

In the meantime, Sir, I remain,


Thabani Mpofu

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